For Immediate Release
Contact Ashley Philipps
(314) 492-8211
Teachers want a new career- move than half. Now there is help.
Reno, NV – June 25, 2024: Teachers now have a step by step guide to changing careers with a new book released today. Written and published by Ashley Philipps, The Teacher’s Guide to Changing Careers: Stories and Step-by-Step Exercises to Find the Right Role and Build a Network to Start a New Life is Ashley’s personal experience leaving the k12 classroom, stories, and guided activities for teachers to make a change.
Is it any wonder why teachers want out? According to Pew Research Center;
- 52% say they would not advise a young person to join the profession.
- 49% say the behavior of most students at their school is fair or poor.
- 48% say the academic performance of most students at their school is fair or poor.
- 53% of teachers expect the state of public K-12 education to be worse five years from now
- 84% say there’s not enough time during their regular work hours to do tasks like grading, lesson planning, paperwork and answering work emails.
And there’s more. Rand reports;
- On average, teachers reported working 15 hours per week longer than required by contract.
- Only 34 percent of teachers said that their base salary was adequate, compared with 61 percent of working adults
- Pay increases alone are unlikely to induce large shifts in teachers’ intentions to leave.

The Teacher’s Guide to Changing Careers navigates teachers through a roadmap to a new career beginning with The Journey Out followed by Discovering Your Future and finishes with Putting Your Plan to Action.
Ashley wrote this resource after teaching high school students for 7 years before building a new career in revenue enablement beginning with entry level roles growing into a corporate executive. She shares her successes, her failures, and clear activities that guide the reader to determine if leaving is right for them, when and how to make a change, discover the right fit career path, and building and sharing personal brand to support networking and outreach.
“Ashley graciously coached me during my transition out of teaching which led me to where I am today. Drawing from her own journey, she offers both inspiration and practical, applicable advice, making this book essential for those navigating a career change, just as I did.”
“Ashley’s guidance has given me a roadmap and has made me so much bolder! As I am currently searching for my new career, I feel empowered to promote myself, my work, and my results to recruiters and confidently share what I have to offer.“
Visit to order your copy of The Teacher’s Guide to Changing Careers. You’ll also find additional resources, guest appearances on podcasts, and the blog.